Alter Ego !! Do you have any ?? Oh !! so your best friend or wife or jack or jill or blah blah is your alter ego. They will be so happy to know that you love 'em so much. A good person like you cant stay away from your AE, not even for a second. So sweet of you !!
I wonder when one is so much involved with other, why he/she needs time to be alone. Why anyone says "Leave me alone for a while" or "I would like stay alone for sometime". That means some one else is there, who is more close . Someone who is neglected when you are in crowd but salient when you are alone.
Confused ?? Alone but with some one ??
Nah !! I am not talking about god. Ofcourse I tried to contact him many times. I guess he heard my voice few times but i never got direct reply from him. Some technical error in line !!
Then who ??
If near and dear, god etc.. are not the one, then who ? Who is present when you are alone ? Who listens when you dont speak aloud ? Who inspirits you when everyone put you down ? Who talks to you when only silence is around ? Who gives you solution,suggestion or answer when no one is able to (not google ofcourse !!)?
Ask yourself !! I bet you will find out ..... . And its your real Alter Ego(AE).
Keep your AE strong, cause it can help you to achieve your dream. If you let it weak, you can enjoy your worst nightmare ;-) ..
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16 years ago